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  • Make your gift even more special

    Michelle Voeten - 16 / Nov / 2021

    Make your gift even more special

    Are you still looking for a gift? Then this is the place to be! You can even choose to have the gift wrapped by us.

    We all know the feeling. It's been super busy all week and because of all the commotion you've completely forgotten to buy a present. No panic, we will help you out!

    We have a lot of great and unique home accessories that you can give away. For example, our Kraft Paper Roller s. You can use it in many different ways. Use it for lists and checklists, but also for Christmas. You make your own menu on the paper. Take a look over on our other blogs for more Christmas blogs. There we give you tips on how to transform our LEDR products into Christmas decorations. Enough about that for now, your present is what's important.

    Our book lamps are also a super original gift. The lamp can be charged and lasts 6 to 8 hours, when the battery is empty you can simply recharge it via USB. The person who receives your gift immediately has a super nice and striking home accessory in the house.

    Now we have arrived at the best part, you can have your gifts wrapped by us. This way you do not have to do anything else and we can send the package directly to the recipient. That way you save a lot of time and it also looks super cool. If we may say so ourselves ;)

    Maak je cadeau nu nog specialer, met LEDR

    As you can see here, the products are wrapped with kraft paper. So that it fits completely with the theme of LEDR. To make your gift complete we tie a nice ribbon around it, and voilà, you're all set. Are you thinking, yes I want that! Then quickly go over to our products and click on the option 'gift wrapping'. We will then get to work and you will have a super nice gift at home within a few days!

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